I'm Jose, a Product Manager currently working for Amazon. I have a background in industrial engineering and project management, and I'm passionate about strategy, communication and UX. In the past I have been a rhetoric and public speaking coach for teams and individuals, and currently I give workshops in topics as Risk Management, Project Management Techniques and Negotiation.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Project Management
  • Career Development
  • Strategy
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation

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INSPIRED - How to Create Tech Products Customers Love
Marty Cagan

Key Insights from "INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love" Emphasizes that product management is a team sport, advocating for a cross-functional team approach. Illuminates the importance of discovering the right product to build before diving into the development. Reveals the role of product managers as the discoverers of the product, not simply project managers. Encourages adopting an outcome-based rather than output-based approach to product development. Highly recommends the application of prototyping and testing techniques to validate ideas before committing to full development. Asserts the necessity of continuous product discovery for sustainable success. Advises on how to establish a customer-centric culture in a tech organization. Reinforces the value of learning from product failures, not just successes. Insists on the importance of strong leadership in product management. Underlines the need for strategic alignment between the product team and the larger organization. Stresses on the significance of a shared product vision within the team. Deeper Analysis of the Book "INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love" by Marty Cagan, a Silicon Valley product management veteran, is a veritable guide for tech entrepreneurs, product managers, and those aspiring to create successful tech products. Starting with the assertion that product management is a team sport, Cagan underscores the necessity of collaboration among cross-functional teams. This aligns with the concept of Collective Ownership in Agile methodologies, where everyone in the team is responsible for the quality and success of the product. The book extensively discusses the role of product managers, distinguishing them from project managers. Cagan positions product managers as the discoverers of the product. This involves understanding customer needs, exploring market opportunities, and working closely with the product team to create a product that aligns with the business objectives and customer expectations. One of the notable principles that Cagan advocates for is an outcome-based approach over an output-based one. This shift in focus from simply delivering features to achieving desired outcomes is a core tenet of modern product management, emphasizing on value creation rather than just activity. In "INSPIRED", Cagan also emphasizes the importance of continuous product discovery. This is about constantly seeking to understand customers, experimenting with solutions, and validating ideas before committing to full-scale development. The principle resonates with the Lean Startup methodology, particularly the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. Prototyping and testing are other key aspects that Cagan discusses. He advises product teams to validate their ideas with low-fidelity prototypes, conduct usability tests, and gather feedback to refine the product. This aligns with the principle of Fail Fast, Fail Often in Agile, which encourages learning through quick experiments and iterations. An essential part of creating tech products that customers love, according to Cagan, is establishing a customer-centric culture. This involves prioritizing customer needs and feedback in the product development process, which is a fundamental principle of Human-Centered Design. Cagan also acknowledges that not all product initiatives will succeed. He encourages teams to learn from product failures and to leverage these learnings to improve future products. This resonates with the concept of a Learning Organization, where failure is seen as an opportunity for learning and growth. Underpinning all these principles, Cagan stresses the importance of strong leadership in product management. He insists that leaders should inspire, guide, and empower their teams to do their best work, which aligns with the concept of Servant Leadership in Agile. Lastly, Cagan highlights the need for strategic alignment and a shared product vision. This implies that all efforts of the product team should be directed towards achieving the strategic goals of the organization, and everyone on the team should understand and be committed to the product vision. In conclusion, "INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love" is a comprehensive guide that offers invaluable insights and practical advice on how to create successful tech products. It should be a must-read for anyone involved in product management, as it encapsulates the collective wisdom of one of the most experienced product managers in the tech industry.

How To Win Friends And Influence People
Dale Carnegie

Key Insights from "How to Win Friends and Influence People" The fundamental techniques in handling people: Never criticize, condemn or complain; give honest and sincere appreciation; and arouse in the other person an eager want. Ways to make people like you: Show genuine interest in others; smile; remember and use people's names; be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves; talk in terms of the other person's interests; and make the other person feel important and do it sincerely. How to win people to your way of thinking: Avoid argument; show respect for the other person's opinions and never say "You're wrong"; if you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically; begin in a friendly way; get the other person saying "yes, yes" immediately; let the other person do a great deal of talking; let the other person feel the idea is his or hers; try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view; be sympathetic to the other person's ideas and desires; appeal to the nobler motives; dramatize your ideas; and throw down a challenge. How to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment: Begin with praise and honest appreciation; call attention to people's mistakes indirectly; talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person; ask questions instead of giving direct orders; let the other person save face; praise every improvement; give the other person a fine reputation to live up to; use encouragement; make the fault seem easy to correct; and make the other person happy about doing what you suggest. An In-Depth Analysis "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carnegie is a seminal work in the world of self-help and personal development. Carnegie revolutionized the field with his practical advice on social skills, leadership, and communication; his insights remain relevant even decades after the book's initial publication in 1936. At the core of Carnegie's philosophy is a profound respect for human nature. He posits that all human beings want to feel important and appreciated, and that by fulfilling this need, you can win their goodwill and influence them. This is the fundamental basis for all the techniques he outlines in the book. In terms of handling people, Carnegie advises against criticism, condemnation, or complaint. This is because such negativity only creates resentment and shuts down communication. Instead, he advocates for honest and sincere appreciation, as well as arousing an eager want in the other person. This is about understanding what the other person wants or needs, and presenting your proposals in a way that aligns with these desires. Carnegie also offers several techniques to make people like you. These include showing a genuine interest in others, being a good listener, and talking in terms of the other person's interests. He emphasizes the importance of sincerity in all these interactions. People are naturally drawn to those who show them respect and appreciation, and are more likely to be influenced by them. In winning people to your way of thinking, Carnegie emphasizes the importance of avoiding arguments and showing respect for the other person's opinions. He also suggests that you let the other person do most of the talking, and try to see things from their point of view. This is a powerful way to build rapport and gain influence, as it shows that you value their thoughts and feelings. Finally, Carnegie outlines techniques for changing people without arousing resentment. This includes praising the other person, calling attention to their mistakes indirectly, and allowing them to save face. By treating people with kindness and respect, you not only maintain their dignity, but also make it more likely that they will be open to change. Despite being written over 80 years ago, Carnegie's insights remain incredibly relevant today. His principles of respect, understanding, and empathy are timeless, and can be applied in a wide range of situations, from personal relationships to business negotiations. His book is not just about influencing others, but also about becoming a better, more compassionate person.

Never Split the Difference - Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Chris Voss, Tahl Raz

Key Insights from the Book: The principle of tactical empathy: Understand and recognize the emotions of your counterpart and respond to them in a thoughtful manner. The power of mirroring: Imitate the language and behavior of your counterpart to build rapport and trust. The effectiveness of calibrated questions: Ask questions that allow your counterpart to have control, but steer the conversation towards your desired outcome. The significance of active listening: Listen carefully to what your counterpart is saying and respond accordingly. The role of patience: Give your counterpart time to respond and don’t rush them into making a decision. The importance of a "no": Getting a 'no' is not a failure, but rather an opportunity to understand your counterpart's fears and concerns. The “Ackerman Model”: A strategic bargaining method developed in the FBI, which involves setting a target price, then using a series of calculated offers and conciliatory gestures to reach it. The concept of "Black Swans": Unforeseen events or pieces of information that can dramatically impact the outcome of a negotiation. The value of loss aversion: People are more motivated to avoid losses than to achieve equivalent gains. The utility of "that's right": Getting your counterpart to say "That's right" instead of "You're right," ensures they feel understood and agree with your viewpoint. The "7-38-55 Percent Rule": In communication, 7% of a message is derived from the words, 38% from the tone of voice, and 55% from body language and facial expressions. An In-Depth Analysis of the Book "Never Split the Difference" by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz is a compelling exploration into the art of negotiation. Drawing from his experience as a former FBI hostage negotiator, Voss provides readers with practical techniques to improve their negotiation skills. Understanding and Using Tactical Empathy Tactical empathy is at the heart of successful negotiation. It revolves around understanding and acknowledging the feelings and mindset of your counterpart. By doing so, you can navigate the negotiation process more effectively and achieve favourable outcomes. As a negotiator, it's not enough to understand what the other party wants; you must also comprehend how they feel. This emotional intelligence enables you to build a connection and establish mutual trust, increasing the likelihood of a successful negotiation. Mirroring, Calibrated Questions and Active Listening Voss also highlights the importance of mirroring, calibrated questions, and active listening. Mirroring, which involves imitating your counterpart's language and behaviour, can foster a sense of familiarity and rapport. Calibrated questions, on the other hand, allow you to steer the conversation without appearing aggressive or domineering. These questions typically start with "what" or "how," prompting your counterpart to think deeply and contribute valuable information to the discussion. Active listening is equally crucial. By paying close attention to your counterpart's words, you can identify underlying concerns or interests that may be key to the negotiation. This also signals respect and sincerity, strengthening your relationship with the counterpart. The Value of Patience and the Power of 'No' Patience is a virtue in negotiation. Voss emphasizes the importance of allowing your counterpart sufficient time to respond. A hurried negotiation is unlikely to yield optimal results. Moreover, contrary to common belief, receiving a 'no' from your counterpart is not necessarily a setback. Instead, it can serve as a stepping stone to understanding their fears and concerns better. It gives you the opportunity to address those issues and make a more persuasive case. The Ackerman Model and the Concept of Black Swans The Ackerman model is a bargaining method that involves setting a target price, then using a series of calculated offers and conciliatory gestures to reach it. This method, which requires patience and strategic thinking, can be highly effective in achieving your desired outcome. Voss also introduces the concept of 'Black Swans' – unexpected events or pieces of information that can dramatically alter the negotiation landscape. Identifying potential Black Swans and preparing for them can give you a significant advantage. Loss Aversion, 'That's Right' and the 7-38-55 Percent Rule The book also delves into the psychology of negotiation, discussing concepts like loss aversion and the power of the words 'That's right'. People are typically more motivated to avoid losses than to achieve equivalent gains, and this can be leveraged in negotiation. Getting your counterpart to say 'That's right' instead of 'You're right' ensures they feel understood and agree with your viewpoint. The former indicates genuine agreement, while the latter often signals appeasement. Lastly, Voss presents the "7-38-55 Percent Rule," a principle that underscores the importance of non-verbal communication. It posits that only 7% of a message is derived from words, while 38% comes from the tone of voice, and 55% from body language and facial expressions. In conclusion, "Never Split the Difference" offers a wealth of practical strategies and psychological insights for effective negotiation. It challenges traditional notions, encouraging readers to perceive negotiation through a different lens. Whether it's in a professional context or everyday life, these techniques can undoubtedly enhance your ability to negotiate successfully.
