Hi my name is Sebastian. Leading yourself and others can be challenging. To leave positive traces on earth I enable a positive working culture by mentoring, training, coaching leaders and future leaders. My unique advantage to you is that I have extensive leadership experience and a profound engineering education as well as a deep understanding of products and their market. My mantra is: "Lead yourself and others to success!" That's what I stand for: 🚀 Leadership with focus on people and TOP results 🚀 Clear structures, processes and plannable success 🚀 Creative thinking and high speed of implementation 🚀 Systematic leadership - mastering mindset, skillset, and toolset 🚀 Scale your leadership success with me Get in contact with me to find if I could be your ideal mentor. Looking forward to your signal. Cheers Sebastian

My Mentoring Topics

  • Self-Leadership - define your mission, structures, habits in a smart way together with me
  • Leadership - be a effective & efficient leader in digital times using smart tools and systems
  • Career path - identify your super skills and use them to find your dream job
  • Agile project management - master projects in an high paced world
  • Product management - build and market excellent digital products and consulting services
29.July 2024

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Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
David Allen

Key Insights from "Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" by David Allen Allen's 5-step process for managing workflow: capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage. The concept of "Mind like Water": Allen's metaphor for a mental state that is both relaxed and ready to engage with incoming tasks and information. The importance of immediate decision-making to avoid procrastination. The "Two-Minute Rule": If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, it should be done immediately. The significance of using a trusted system to manage tasks and information. The role of regular reviews in maintaining control and perspective over tasks. The use of context-specific task lists to streamline action. The emphasis on outcome-based thinking to clarify what constitutes 'done' for a task. The need to break down projects into actionable tasks. The idea that free time is not always leisure time: it can be used for thinking, planning, and organizing. An In-Depth Analysis of "Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" "Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" is a seminal work by productivity consultant David Allen. It presents a comprehensive methodology for managing tasks, projects, and commitments, with the aim of achieving stress-free productivity. Allen's 5-step process for managing workflow is at the heart of the book. The process begins with capturing all things that command our attention; next, it involves clarifying what each item means and what to do about them. The third step is to organize the results, which are then reviewed in the fourth step. The final step is to simply do the tasks. A key concept in Allen's methodology is the state of having a "mind like water". This metaphor, borrowed from martial arts, describes a state where the mind is calm, focused, and ready to respond to whatever comes its way. This is an ideal state for productivity, which Allen argues can be achieved by properly managing our tasks and commitments. Allen's methodology emphasizes the importance of immediate decision-making to avoid procrastination. He introduces the "Two-Minute Rule": if a task takes less than two minutes to complete, it should be done immediately. This saves time and effort in the long run, as it eliminates the need for additional organizing or scheduling. The use of a trusted system to manage tasks and information is another key aspect of Allen's methodology. Such a system could be a simple paper-based planner, a sophisticated digital tool, or anything in between, as long as it reliably captures and organizes tasks and information. Regular reviews play a crucial role in maintaining control and perspective over tasks. Allen recommends weekly reviews as the minimum frequency. Reviews allow us to update our systems, reassess our priorities, and prepare for upcoming tasks. Allen also recommends the use of context-specific task lists. Instead of a single, overwhelming to-do list, Allen suggests creating multiple lists based on context, such as "At Home", "At Office", "Calls", "Errands", etc. This helps us focus on tasks that can be done in our current context, making our work more efficient. Outcome-based thinking is another central concept in Allen's methodology. By clearly defining what constitutes 'done' for a task or a project, we can focus on the desired outcome, which makes our action more purposeful and effective. Allen also emphasizes the need to break down projects into actionable tasks. A project, in Allen's definition, is any desired outcome that requires more than one action step. By breaking down a project, we can overcome the inertia and ambiguity often associated with big tasks. Finally, Allen points out that free time is not always leisure time. It can also be used for thinking, planning, and organizing. By using our free time productively, we can reduce stress and increase our control over our tasks and commitments. In conclusion, "Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" provides a comprehensive and practical methodology for managing tasks and commitments. By applying Allen's methodology, we can achieve a state of stress-free productivity, where our mind is calm, focused, and ready to engage with whatever comes our way.

Think and Grow Rich - The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century
Napoleon Hill

Key Insights from "Think and Grow Rich" Power of Desire: Desire is the starting point for all achievement, not a simple wish, but a fervent craving for something. Value of Definite Purpose: A clear, definite purpose paves the way for success. It provides focus, energy, and limitless persistence. Belief: Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Mastermind Principle: The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people towards a definite purpose generates a power that exceeds the sum of their individual abilities. Importance of Self-Discipline: Discipline and control of one's mind are essential in directing it towards wealth and success. Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind is a connecting link between the finite mind of man and the Infinite Intelligence. Persistence: Persistence is a key ingredient in transforming desire into its monetary equivalent. Positive Mental Attitude: Maintaining a positive mental attitude is essential for success as it attracts favorable conditions for achieving one's goals. Personal Initiative: Personal initiative is the power that inspires the completion of what one starts, ensuring success. Learning from Adversity and Defeat: Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. Successful people use these as stepping-stones to climb the ladder of success. Time and Money: Time and money are precious resources that must be used wisely for the achievement of one's definite purpose. An In-Depth Analysis of "Think and Grow Rich" "Think and Grow Rich" is a timeless classic that has guided many to success. The book, written by Napoleon Hill, is based on his extensive research and interviews with some of the most successful individuals of his time. This new version has been updated and revised for the 21st-century reader, providing a fresh perspective on Hill's valuable teachings. The book explores several key concepts that are central to achieving personal success. Central to these is the power of desire. Hill posits that a burning desire, not a mere wish, is the starting point of all accomplishments. This desire, when combined with a definite purpose, fuels the journey to success. The author emphasizes the importance of having a clear, specific aim, as it provides focus, invigorates effort, and fosters persistence. Hill also introduces the concept of the Mastermind Principle. He explains that the collective energy of two or more people working in harmony towards a definite aim generates a synergy that surpasses their individual capabilities. This principle underlines the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving success. The book also delves into the role of the subconscious mind in the attainment of goals. Hill suggests that the subconscious mind serves as a link between the finite human mind and Infinite Intelligence. He encourages readers to feed their subconscious with thoughts of wealth, positivity, and their definite purpose. The author underscores the value of persistence. He asserts that it is this quality that drives one to overcome obstacles and transform desire into its monetary equivalent. Coupled with a positive mental attitude, persistence can move mountains. Hill also highlights the importance of personal initiative. He asserts that taking proactive steps, not just reacting to situations, is crucial in the journey to success. This initiative, he argues, inspires the completion of tasks and drives the attainment of goals. One of the most significant insights from the book is the role of adversity in success. Hill propounds that every setback or failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. This perspective encourages readers to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Lastly, Hill discusses the importance of managing two crucial resources: time and money. He advises readers to use both wisely in the pursuit of their definite purpose. In conclusion, "Think and Grow Rich" offers timeless wisdom on attaining personal success. The principles outlined in the book, grounded in practical wisdom and deep insight, provide a roadmap to wealth and achievement, making it an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their lives.

Der Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit - Ihre erste Million in 7 Jahren
Bodo Schäfer

Establishing a wealth mindset is the first step to achieving financial freedom. Setting clear and achievable financial goals is crucial. Creating and sticking to a budget helps in tracking and controlling expenses. Building an emergency fund is essential for financial security. Investing wisely and understanding the power of compound interest can significantly accelerate wealth accumulation. Diversification of investments is key to managing risk. Continuously educating oneself about financial matters enhances decision-making skills. Debt management and elimination are vital for financial independence. Developing multiple streams of income provides financial stability and growth. Maintaining a balance between saving and enjoying life is important for long-term happiness. The book introduces the concept of a **wealth mindset**, emphasizing that one's beliefs and attitudes towards money significantly influence financial success. It suggests that transforming negative perceptions about money into positive ones is the first crucial step towards financial freedom. The book encourages readers to adopt a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, which fosters the confidence needed to pursue wealth-building activities. Setting **clear and achievable financial goals** is another foundational element discussed. The author stresses the importance of having specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This approach provides a clear direction and measurable milestones, which is essential for tracking progress. For example, setting a goal to save a certain amount within a specific period helps in creating actionable plans. Creating and adhering to a **budget** is highlighted as a fundamental practice for managing finances effectively. A budget allows individuals to track income and expenses, identify areas of overspending, and allocate resources more efficiently. The author provides practical steps for setting up a budget and emphasizes the need for discipline in sticking to it. An **emergency fund** is described as a financial safety net that provides security in times of unexpected expenses or economic downturns. The book suggests saving at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account. This fund acts as a buffer, preventing individuals from falling into debt during emergencies. **Investing wisely** is a central theme, with a particular focus on the power of **compound interest**. The book illustrates how compound interest can significantly accelerate wealth accumulation over time. By starting to invest early and consistently, even with small amounts, individuals can harness the exponential growth of their investments. **Diversification of investments** is advised to manage risk effectively. By spreading investments across various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, individuals can protect themselves against market volatility. The book provides insights into different investment options and strategies for building a diversified portfolio. Continuous **financial education** is encouraged to enhance decision-making skills. The author believes that staying informed about financial trends, investment opportunities, and economic changes is crucial for making sound financial decisions. The book recommends reading financial literature, attending workshops, and seeking advice from financial experts. Effective **debt management and elimination** are vital for achieving financial independence. The book outlines strategies for paying off debt systematically, such as the debt snowball and debt avalanche methods. By prioritizing high-interest debts and creating a repayment plan, individuals can reduce their debt burden and free up resources for savings and investments. Developing **multiple streams of income** is presented as a strategy for financial stability and growth. The book encourages exploring various income sources such as side businesses, freelance work, and passive income opportunities like rental properties and dividend-paying stocks. Diversifying income streams reduces reliance on a single source of income and enhances financial resilience. Finally, the book emphasizes the importance of maintaining a **balance between saving and enjoying life**. While saving and investing are crucial for financial success, it is equally important to enjoy the journey. The book advises setting aside funds for leisure and personal fulfillment to ensure long-term happiness and motivation. In conclusion, the book provides a comprehensive roadmap to achieving financial freedom. By adopting a wealth mindset, setting clear goals, budgeting, building an emergency fund, investing wisely, diversifying investments, continuously educating oneself, managing debt, developing multiple income streams, and balancing saving with enjoyment, individuals can pave their way to financial independence. The actionable insights and practical strategies outlined in the book equip readers with the knowledge and tools needed to attain their financial goals.

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Updated For the Next Generation of Leaders
Dale Carnegie

Key Facts and Insights from the Book Understanding the fundamental importance of genuine interest in others. Recognizing the power of appreciation and praise. The need for empathy in communication and relationships. Importance of listening to understand, rather than listening to respond. Ways to make people feel important and valued. How to handle criticism constructively. Understanding the power of persuasive but non-argumentative conversation. Mastering the art of leadership through influencing people. Techniques to manage relationships both personally and professionally. Developing a positive attitude and outlook. The role of continuous learning and self-improvement. Detailed Analysis and Summary of the Book The book is a timeless guide to effective leadership and communication, written by Dale Carnegie, that has been updated to suit the needs and contexts of the next generation of leaders. The author provides practical advice and strategies for building and maintaining successful relationships with others, both in personal and professional contexts. One of the primary insights from the book is the fundamental importance of showing a genuine interest in others. Carnegie posits that people are more likely to be influenced by those who show authentic interest in them and their concerns. This principle is closely linked with the concept of emotional intelligence, which emphasizes the ability to understand and manage one's own and others' emotions. The author also emphasizes the power of appreciation and praise. He suggests that these are powerful motivators and that people are more likely to respond positively to requests or directions when they feel appreciated and valued. This aligns with the principles of positive psychology, which highlight the importance of focusing on strengths and positives in individuals and groups to motivate and inspire them. Carnegie discusses the importance of empathy in communication and relationships. He argues that understanding and sharing the feelings of others can build stronger relationships and enable more effective communication. This concept is central to many theories of communication and interpersonal relationships. The book underscores the importance of listening to understand, rather than listening to respond. Carnegie suggests that truly effective communication requires active listening and a genuine attempt to understand the other person's perspective. This aligns with the principles of active listening, a communication technique that requires the listener to fully concentrate, understand, respond and then remember what is being said. Carnegie also discusses ways to make people feel important and valued. He suggests that people are more likely to be influenced and motivated when they feel valued and important. This concept is central to many theories of motivation, including Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which posits that individuals have a fundamental need for esteem and recognition. The author provides practical advice on how to handle criticism constructively. He suggests that criticism should be used as a tool for self-improvement rather than as a weapon to attack or defend. This principle aligns with many theories of conflict resolution and emotional intelligence, which emphasize the importance of managing emotions and reactions in difficult situations. Carnegie also discusses the power of persuasive but non-argumentative conversation. He suggests that influence and persuasion are more effective when they are based on understanding and respect, rather than on force or coercion. This is a core principle of many theories of negotiation and persuasion, which emphasize the importance of cooperation and mutual benefit. The book provides valuable insights into the art of leadership through influencing people. Carnegie posits that effective leadership is not about commanding or controlling, but about influencing and inspiring others. This aligns with the principles of transformational leadership, which emphasize the importance of inspiring and motivating followers to exceed their own individual performance goals. The author also provides techniques for managing relationships both personally and professionally. He suggests that effective relationship management requires a balance of understanding, respect, and communication. This aligns with many theories of relationship management, which emphasize the importance of managing and balancing various aspects of relationships, including trust, communication, and mutual respect. Carnegie emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and outlook. He suggests that positivity can influence one's own behavior as well as the behaviors of others. This aligns with the principles of positive psychology, which emphasizes the importance of positivity and optimism in promoting well-being and success. Finally, the author highlights the role of continuous learning and self-improvement. He argues that leaders must continuously seek to improve their skills and knowledge in order to remain effective. This principle is central to many theories of leadership and organizational behavior, which emphasize the importance of continuous learning and development for both individuals and organizations. In conclusion, "How to Win Friends and Influence People - Updated For the Next Generation of Leaders" provides timeless and practical advice for effective leadership and communication. The book's principles align with many theories and concepts in psychology, communication, leadership, and organizational behavior, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their influence and relationships.

The 4-Hour Workweek - Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Timothy Ferriss

Key Insights from "The 4-Hour Workweek" Definition of the New Rich: The book introduces a new class of people, the "New Rich" (NR), who have abandoned the deferred-life plan and created luxury lifestyles in the present using the time and income paradigm. DEAL - Definition, Elimination, Automation, Liberation: Ferriss presents a systematic approach to lifestyle design, encapsulated in the acronym DEAL. Time and productivity: The book argues that productivity is not related to the number of hours spent in an office but rather the tasks completed. Outsourcing: Ferriss encourages outsourcing daily tasks to virtual assistants to free up time. Income Autopilot: One of the key recommendations in the book is to set your income on autopilot, so you can travel the world without worrying about money. Eliminating Information Overload: Ferriss emphasizes the importance of eliminating unnecessary information or tasks to increase productivity. The 80/20 Principle: The book draws heavily on Pareto's Principle or the 80/20 rule. Ferriss argues that 80% of outputs result from 20% of inputs. Mini-retirements: The book introduces the concept of "mini-retirements", where instead of taking a traditional retirement at the end of your career, take multiple short retirements throughout your life. Overcoming Fear: Ferriss discusses overcoming fear as an essential step to achieving the lifestyle of the "New Rich". Efficiency Vs. Effectiveness: The book emphasizes the difference between efficiency (performing a task in the most economical manner) and effectiveness (doing the right task). Analysis of "The 4-Hour Workweek" Timothy Ferriss's "The 4-Hour Workweek" is a guide to escaping the traditional "9-5" workday, living anywhere, and joining the ranks of the "New Rich". Unlike the conventional definition of rich, Ferriss defines the "New Rich" as those who abandon the deferred-life plan and create luxury lifestyles in the present using the time and income paradigm. The heart of Ferriss's philosophy lies in the acronym DEAL, which stands for Definition, Elimination, Automation, and Liberation. This systematic approach to lifestyle design forms the core of the book. Ferriss challenges the conventional notion of productivity being tied to the number of hours spent at work. Instead, he argues that productivity should be measured by the tasks completed. This idea is not new and aligns with the knowledge-work productivity theory proposed by Peter Drucker. Outsourcing is another key concept in the book. Ferriss suggests hiring virtual assistants to perform routine tasks, thereby freeing up personal time. This is a practical application of the principle of comparative advantage, which states that it is more efficient to delegate tasks to those who can perform them more efficiently. The recommendation to set your income on autopilot is another intriguing idea. Ferriss suggests creating automated income streams that allow for freedom of location and time. This concept aligns with Robert Kiyosaki's idea of creating passive income streams in "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Ferriss also emphasizes the importance of eliminating unnecessary information or tasks to increase productivity. He advocates a selective ignorance approach towards news and other information sources, which echoes Cal Newport's concept of "Deep Work". The book heavily draws on Pareto's Principle or the 80/20 rule, suggesting that 80% of outputs result from 20% of inputs. Ferriss applies this principle to various aspects of life, including business, time management, and personal relationships. The concept of "mini-retirements" is another revolutionary idea introduced by Ferriss. Instead of saving retirement for the end of one's career, he suggests taking multiple short retirements throughout life. Ferriss also discusses overcoming fear as an essential step in achieving the desired lifestyle. He offers practical exercises for fear setting and overcoming procrastination. Finally, Ferriss differentiates between efficiency and effectiveness, stressing that it's more important to do the right thing (effectiveness) than to do things right (efficiency). This idea is reminiscent of Drucker's theory of management by objectives. In conclusion, "The 4-Hour Workweek" offers a radical approach to lifestyle design and personal productivity. It integrates various principles from management, economics, and psychology to present a unique perspective on work and life. While the ideas may seem radical, they are grounded in established theories and offer a fresh perspective on achieving personal freedom and wealth.

Scaling Up (Revised 2022) - How a Few Companies Make It... and Why the Rest Don't (Rockefeller Habits 2. 0)
Verne Harnish

Focus on the Four Decisions: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. Importance of establishing core values and purpose for long-term success. The "One-Page Strategic Plan" as a tool for clarity and alignment. Prioritization of key metrics and KPIs for effective management. Significance of creating a culture of accountability and transparency. Role of disciplined hiring and onboarding processes. Emphasis on continuous learning and development for all employees. Necessity of rigorous financial management and cash flow optimization. Adopting scalable systems and processes to support growth. Leveraging technology and automation for efficiency. Implementing effective meeting rhythms for communication and alignment. **Focus on the Four Decisions: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash.** These four decisions form the framework for scaling up a business. By focusing on these areas, companies can systematically address the key challenges they face as they grow. **Establishing core values and purpose** is essential for long-term success. Core values guide behavior and decision-making, while a clear purpose provides direction and motivation. This alignment ensures that all team members are working towards the same goals. The **"One-Page Strategic Plan"** is a powerful tool for clarity and alignment. This concise document helps businesses outline their vision, goals, and strategies in a straightforward manner, making it easier for everyone in the organization to stay on the same page. **Prioritization of key metrics and KPIs** is crucial for effective management. By identifying and tracking the most important metrics, companies can focus on what truly drives performance and make data-driven decisions. Creating a **culture of accountability and transparency** ensures that everyone in the organization is responsible for their actions and results. This culture fosters trust and encourages high performance, as team members are held accountable for their contributions. **Disciplined hiring and onboarding processes** are vital for building a strong team. By carefully selecting and integrating new employees, companies can ensure that they have the right people in the right roles, which is critical for scaling up. Continuous learning and development for all employees are emphasized. By investing in the growth of their people, companies can enhance their capabilities and stay competitive in a rapidly changing environment. **Rigorous financial management and cash flow optimization** are necessary for sustaining growth. Effective financial practices ensure that companies have the resources they need to invest in opportunities and weather challenges. Adopting **scalable systems and processes** supports growth by ensuring that operations can handle increased volume and complexity. This scalability is essential for maintaining efficiency and quality as the business expands. **Leveraging technology and automation** can significantly improve efficiency and reduce costs. By utilizing the right tools and systems, companies can streamline their operations and focus on strategic initiatives. **Implementing effective meeting rhythms** for communication and alignment is critical. Regular, structured meetings ensure that everyone stays informed, aligned, and focused on the company's priorities. By understanding and applying these concepts, businesses can navigate the complexities of growth and achieve sustainable success. The combination of clear strategic planning, disciplined execution, and a strong organizational culture provides a solid foundation for scaling up effectively.
