I’ve been working in HR and Management for 15 years now, throughout my career I got experience in recruitment, HR, PR, client management, and building processes for successful operations. I’m genuinely interested in people, it’s satisfying to see their achievements of their goals by implementing and sharing my knowledge and experience. On this platform, I’d like to help anyone who's interested in getting where they like in their professional paths. Beyond my professional experience, I’m curious about the world: I like to travel, explore new cultures, languages, and cuisines. Also I do yoga, meditation, retreats, and whatever grounds me in this hectic world. What guides me in life and work: empathy, compassion, kindness, self-awareness, awareness.

My Mentoring Topics

  • How to become better/best at your job
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence at work
  • How to establish good relationships with clients, teammates
  • Complex negotiations with clients/teammates
  • Explore together your potential and possibilities
  • How to negotiate your career/rewards
  • Anything not mentioned here but important for you
13.November 2023

I recently had an amazing session with Iryna that proved incredibly satisfying. We explored the nuances of working in Europe, and it was truly enlightening. From the get-go, Iryna's warmth and kindness set the stage for a conducive and insightful discussion. She surpassed my expectations, providing strategic insights on applying for positions and aligning my skills with the demands of the European market. Overall, the session boosted my confidence in pursuing marketing opportunities in Europe. Ksenija's kindness and profound knowledge made it an exceptional experience. I'm eager to apply what I've learned and deeply grateful for her guidance. For anyone seeking expert support in Europe, I highly recommend Iryna. She's an amazing mentor and an invaluable source of knowledge!

13.October 2023

Iryna is incredibly approachable and easy to converse with. She provided valuable HR insights and even offered her assistance with my CVs. I'm extremely thankful for her support.

21.September 2023

Hi Iryna, Thank you so much for your time and for the lovely chat. Sharing your insight on emotional intelligence and empathy has been really helpful, especially in being conscious and aware when approaching daily professional encounters. I apologize for not providing more information about me, or an agenda, before our call, and will definitely keep this in mind for future sessions on the platform. All the best, Gjeorgjia

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The Culture Map - Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
Erin Meyer

Key Facts and Insights from "The Culture Map - Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business" Understanding cultural differences is crucial for successful business communication and negotiation in the global marketplace. The book presents eight dimensions to map and understand cultural differences: Communication, Evaluating, Persuading, Leading, Deciding, Trusting, Disagreeing, and Scheduling. Each culture falls on a scale within these eight dimensions, which helps in comparing and contrasting different cultures. Communication styles vary greatly between cultures, and misunderstandings can easily occur if these differences are not recognized. Concepts of leadership and decision-making differ greatly among cultures, which can impact how businesses operate and negotiate internationally. The concepts of trust and disagreement also vary significantly across cultures. Understanding these differences can help build stronger, more effective international business relationships. The book includes real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts discussed, making it a practical guide for business professionals. Erin Meyer's Culture Map provides a framework for understanding and navigating cultural differences in a global business context. Cultural intelligence is a vital skill for any business professional operating in a multicultural environment. The book emphasizes the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and open-mindedness in understanding and respecting cultural differences. "The Culture Map" is not only about understanding others but also about understanding oneself’s cultural biases and preferences. Detailed Summary and Analysis "Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business" by Erin Meyer is a comprehensive guide for anyone navigating the complex world of international business communication. The book presents a novel approach to understanding cultural differences, introducing an eight-dimension model that provides a structured way to compare and contrast different cultures. The dimensions – Communicating, Evaluating, Persuading, Leading, Deciding, Trusting, Disagreeing, and Scheduling – act as a map to navigate cultural complexities. In the dimension of Communication, Meyer explains that cultures can be categorized as low-context (where good communication is precise, simple, and clear) or high-context (where good communication is sophisticated, nuanced, and layered). This distinction is particularly crucial as misunderstandings can easily occur if individuals from different cultures do not recognize these differences. Moving on to Evaluating, the book discusses how different cultures give feedback. Some cultures are more direct, others are indirect. Misunderstandings can arise if feedback is interpreted through one's cultural lens without considering these differences. The dimensions of Leading and Deciding are intertwined, as they both deal with hierarchies and decision-making processes. In some cultures, leadership is equated with hierarchical status, while in others, it is more linked to expertise and competence. Similarly, decision-making can either be top-down or consensus-driven, depending on the culture. Trusting and Disagreeing are two more dimensions that vary significantly across cultures. In some cultures, trust is built through business relationships, while in others, it is established through personal relationships. The way cultures handle disagreement can also be very different, with some favoring a confrontational approach and others preferring to avoid open conflict. The final dimension, Scheduling, deals with how different cultures perceive time and deadlines. Some cultures view time as linear and rigid, while others see it as flexible and fluid. The book carefully balances theory with real-world examples and case studies, making it an insightful and practical guide for business professionals. The author emphasizes the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and open-mindedness in understanding and respecting cultural differences. The book encourages readers not only to understand and appreciate others' cultural biases and preferences, but also to recognize and understand their own. In conclusion, "The Culture Map" provides valuable insights and tools to navigate the cultural complexities that characterize today's global business environment. It emphasizes the importance of cultural intelligence as a vital skill for any business professional operating in a multicultural environment. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to communicate, negotiate, and do business effectively in the international arena.
