Hello all, My name is Bisharah Saeed, currently working as an assistant delivery manager at Laddermedia. I have experience in project management, operations management and executive leadership. Personally, I am a dog person, huge fan of adventure sports and travelling.

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  • Project management
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  • Client Communication
  • Delivery Management
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  • Vendor Management
  • Planning and Scheduling
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Atomic Habits - An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear

Key Facts and Insights: Understanding the impact of compound effects of tiny habits. Identifying the Four Laws of Behavior Change as a simple set of rules for habit formation. Recognizing the role of Identity-based habits in personal change. Appreciating the importance of the habit environment and how to design it for success. Applying the concept of habit stacking to create a series of desired behaviors. Understanding the significance of immediate rewards in reinforcing habits. Recognizing the power of a habit tracker as a form of visual measurement. Learning the power of improvement by 1% to achieve remarkable results over time. Understanding the importance of making habits obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Recognizing the role of mindset in fostering long-lasting habits. Appreciating the concept of never missing twice as a strategy for maintaining habits. An In-depth Analysis and Summary In "Atomic Habits," James Clear provides an innovative framework for habit formation and personal growth. He introduces the idea of the compound effect of tiny habits, suggesting that minor changes and decisions can lead to significant outcomes over time. This reinforces the principle that success doesn't result from massive actions but from small, consistent steps taken daily. Clear explains the Four Laws of Behavior Change which are: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. These principles offer a practical and straightforward approach to forming good habits and breaking bad ones. They are based on the understanding that our habits are the response to our environment and the cues it provides. The author emphasizes the importance of Identity-based habits. Instead of focusing on goals, Clear suggests that we should concentrate on becoming the type of person who can achieve those goals. This is a profound shift from the outcome-based approach to an identity-based approach, which is more durable and long-lasting. The book further explores the role of our environment in shaping our behaviors. Clear suggests that by designing our habit environment, we can make the desired behaviors easier and the undesired ones harder, thus facilitating positive habit formation. Habit stacking is another powerful tool that Clear introduces. It involves pairing a new habit with an existing one, thereby using the existing habit as a cue for the new one. This technique takes advantage of the neural connections that our brain forms when we establish a routine. Clear also explains the importance of immediate rewards in forming new habits. Our brains are wired to prioritize immediate gratification, so pairing a habit with an immediate reward can reinforce the behavior. Habit tracking is another effective strategy that Clear proposes. It serves as a visual reminder of your progress, providing a satisfying sense of achievement that motivates you to maintain the behavior. The concept of improvement by 1% is a recurring theme in the book. Clear argues that if you get 1% better each day, the benefits will compound over time, leading to remarkable results. This underlines the importance of making small, consistent improvements instead of seeking overnight success. Clear's concept of never missing twice is a practical strategy for maintaining habits. It recognizes that while we may occasionally slip up, it's crucial not to let a one-time mistake turn into a recurring pattern. Finally, Clear underscores the importance of mindset in fostering long-lasting habits. He stresses that habits are not a finish line to be crossed but a lifestyle to be lived, emphasizing the significance of process over outcome. "Atomic Habits" synthesizes complex psychological concepts into practical, actionable strategies. Clear's approach is backed by scientific evidence, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand and improve their habits. The concepts discussed in the book align with many established theories in behavior psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science, further validating their effectiveness and applicability. By understanding and applying the insights from "Atomic Habits," individuals can navigate the path of personal growth with greater clarity and confidence. It equips readers with the knowledge and tools to transform their habits and, ultimately, their lives.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
Mark Manson

Key Insights from "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" Embrace the Struggle: Struggle is an inevitable part of life, and the key to success is not avoiding struggle but rather selecting the struggles that are worth the effort. Values: It’s crucial to choose good values to measure success, such as honesty, innovation, vulnerability, etc., rather than unhealthy ones like material success. Finding Happiness: Happiness is not about always being positive, but rather about being comfortable with negative experiences and emotions. Responsibility: We should take responsibility for our life and actions, irrespective of whether we are at fault or not. Acceptance: Accepting the reality of our mortality can help us live a more meaningful life. Freedom: Freedom is not about having no limitations, but rather about choosing our limitations. Rejection of Entitlement: We are not entitled to a perfect life and accepting this can lead to personal growth. Failure: Failure is a part of growth. We learn from our failures, not from our successes. Uncertainty: It’s important to accept that we don’t know everything and uncertainty is a part of life. Commitment: Commitment to our values and passions is the pathway to satisfaction. An In-Depth Analysis of "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson is a profoundly counterintuitive self-help guide that challenges conventional wisdom about happiness and success. The book provides a refreshing perspective on personal development, focusing on embracing negatives in life and understanding that struggle is a critical part of growth. The first key insight from the book is about embracing the struggle. Manson asserts that problems are a constant in life. Life is essentially an endless series of problems and the key to happiness is solving these problems. The idea is not to avoid problems or struggle, but to find the problems worth struggling for, the ones that align with our personal values. This leads us to the second insight on values. Manson suggests that we often choose inappropriate values to measure our success. Our society tends to encourage values like wealth, fame, and beauty, but these are outside of our control and thus lead to dissatisfaction. Instead, we should choose values that are within our control, like honesty, innovation, standing up for oneself, vulnerability, etc. The third insight is about finding happiness. Manson challenges the widely accepted notion that a happy life is a life full of constant positivity. Instead, he suggests that happiness comes from the ability to manage and be comfortable with the negative experiences that inevitably occur in our lives. The fourth insight revolves around the concept of responsibility. According to Manson, we need to take responsibility for our life and actions, even when we are not at fault. By doing so, we empower ourselves to change our circumstances and our responses to them. The fifth insight, acceptance, is one of the most profound and challenging. Manson asks us to accept the reality of our mortality. This can be a deeply unsettling thought, but according to Manson, it can also spur us to live in the present and lead a more meaningful life. In the sixth insight, Manson redefines freedom. He argues that real freedom is about self-imposed limitations, not an absence of limitations. It's about choosing what we want to give a f*ck about. Manson also rejects the notion of entitlement in the seventh insight. He argues that believing we are entitled to a good life just because we exist is a destructive idea. Instead, we should strive for growth and improvement. In the eighth insight, Manson highlights the importance of failure. He argues that we learn more from our failures than our successes, and that failure is an integral part of growth and improvement. The ninth insight is about uncertainty. Manson emphasizes that we should accept that we don’t know everything. This acceptance of uncertainty allows us to be more open to new experiences and ideas. Finally, the tenth insight is about commitment. Manson notes that satisfaction comes from commitment to our values and passions, not from avoiding discomfort or seeking pleasure. In conclusion, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson provides an unconventional yet insightful approach to living a good life. It challenges us to embrace struggle, choose meaningful values, accept our mortality, and take responsibility for our lives. While it may be uncomfortable to confront these ideas, doing so can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist: Key Insights Personal Legend: This is a central concept in the book. It refers to the path one is destined to follow, realizing one's unique purpose in life. The Language of the World: A universal language spoken by all creations, understanding this language leads to oneness with nature and the universe. Alchemy: The practice of turning base metals into gold. It symbolizes personal transformation, turning the ordinary life into an extraordinary one. Maktub: An Arabic phrase meaning "it is written". It emphasizes the belief in destiny and the inevitable nature of one's Personal Legend. The Principle of Favorability: Also known as the beginner's luck. It highlights the universe's tendency to conspire in helping one to achieve their Personal Legend when they start to pursue it. Urim and Thummim: Two stones that represent 'yes' and 'no'. They symbolize the clarity of choice in pursuing one's Personal Legend. The Soul of the World: A divine essence that binds all life together and helps in understanding the Language of the World. Omens: Signs that guide one towards their Personal Legend. They are part of the Language of the World. Fear of failure: This is a recurring theme in the book that often keeps individuals away from pursuing their Personal Legend. Love: Portrayed as a force that shouldn't hinder but instead should aid one in the pursuit of their Personal Legend. Value of the present moment: Coelho emphasizes the importance of living in the present and appreciating the journey, not just the destination. An In-depth Analysis and Summary "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a novel about a young Spanish shepherd named Santiago who dreams of discovering a treasure located near the Egyptian pyramids. His quest to understand this dream leads him to meet a series of individuals including a gypsy woman, an old king, an Englishman studying to become an alchemist, and finally, the alchemist himself. These encounters provide Santiago with wisdom and guidance on his quest, leading him through various hardships and tests of faith. The concept of Personal Legend is introduced early in the book by Melchizedek, the old king. He explains to Santiago that a Personal Legend is what one has always wanted to accomplish. Everyone knows their Personal Legend in childhood, but as they grow up, they become blinded by fear and conformity. The book consistently stresses the importance of following one's Personal Legend as the path to true happiness and fulfillment. Alchemy is a metaphorical representation of personal growth and self-improvement. The alchemists' quest to purify metal and transform it into gold is symbolic of our own quest to purify ourselves from our base, earthly desires and transform into better versions of ourselves. This transformation is what leads us to our Personal Legend. The Language of the World and The Soul of the World are interconnected concepts. The Language of the World refers to the understanding and communication between all entities of the world, while The Soul of the World, as described by the alchemist, is the divine force that sustains life, binds all beings together, and can be accessed by anyone who understands the Language of the World. Maktub, the Principle of Favorability, Urim and Thummim, and omens all play crucial roles in the narrative. They help Santiago make decisions, highlight the importance of following one's destiny, and emphasize the belief that the universe conspires to help one achieve their Personal Legend. Fear of failure is a significant barrier Santiago faces while pursuing his Personal Legend. It symbolizes the common human fear that prevents many from stepping out of their comfort zones and chasing their dreams. Love is depicted as a critical component of life but is not to be mistaken as a distraction from one's Personal Legend. Instead, true love should support and encourage the pursuit of one's Personal Legend, as seen in Santiago's relationship with Fatima. Finally, the value of the present moment is a theme that runs throughout the book. Coelho emphasizes that the journey towards our Personal Legend is as important as the end goal itself. This wisdom serves as a reminder to enjoy and learn from the present moment instead of always focusing on the future. In conclusion, "The Alchemist" is a treasure trove of wisdom and life lessons. It encourages readers to discover and pursue their Personal Legend, understand the Language of the World, overcome fear, appreciate love, and value the present moment. The concepts and ideas it presents offer deep insight into the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
