Emotional Agility - Get Unstuck, Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and Life

Susan David

Key insights from "Emotional Agility - Get Unstuck, Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and Life": - Emotional agility is about being aware and accepting of all your emotions, not just the ‘good’ ones. - Emotions are data, not directives. They provide us with information about our internal and external environment. - Getting hooked on certain emotions can lead us to react impulsively, instead of responding thoughtfully. - Showing up to our emotions means facing them directly, without judgment or attempts to suppress them. - Stepping out involves creating a space between stimulus and response, to allow for more mindful...

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Piero Gandini

Piero Gandini NL

Motivator for Changë and Disяuption.
Alessandra Melchionda

Alessandra Melchionda IT

ICF Coach - Life & Career. Ex Meta. Expertise in Strategic Ops, Project Management, Sales and Account Management