I'm a self taught IT professional with 4 years of experience, specializing in .NET development. My journey in the tech world began with a degree in Biochemistry and not traditional Computer Science like for most developers. Here's a glimpse of my experience: *Software Engineer - Developing and maintaining software using .NET Core 6, C#, ASP.Net MVC, SSMS. *Automation Engineer - I focused on backend API testing using NUnit *QA Analyst - Executed manual exploratory and accessibility tests *Course Ambassador at Code First:Girls - Competition winner, I learned web development basics *Digital Quality Assurance Assistant - Coordinated usability testing and user research, performed accessibility and browser testing, and facilitated persona workshops and user journey mapping sessions.

My Mentoring Topics

  • *Starting an IT career without a computer science background
  • *Switching careers
  • *Women in tech struggles

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