Hi, I'm Tobi from Vienna 👋🏻 I am searching for like-minded people and possible mentors who have similar challenges and interests as me. Although I would like nothing more than consistency in life, my path has been anything but straightforward. For what feels like years, I've been in a process of constant self-discovery and realignment. Here is a brief overview of my journey: Professional background: after years as an editor in the film industry (commercials), I entered the world of film music but felt the challenge and financial uncertainty. Since then, I have financed myself through small part-time jobs, currently in sales at Apple. Professional interests: I have tried out various fields, including: Start-ups, entertainment (as a Twitch livestreamer), YouTube channel, board game development, UX/UI design, psychology studies, blogging and podcasting. No experiment lasted longer than three months, as I often lost interest. The internet would probably label me a ‘scanner’, ‘multipot’ or ‘renaissance soul’ ... Values: At my core, I strongly value: Divergent thinking: I love to dive deep into things, find new angles and learn new things about the world. Sound and rhythm world: I have a deep connection to the world of sound. The sounds of nature soothe me, film music inspires me and electronic/rock music drives me. Empathy: It is vital to me to really want to understand people in a completely value-free way.

My Mentoring Topics

  • I can offer my help in the following topics:
  • — How to ALWAYS say whatever you want with: Non-Violent-Communication
  • — How to make a good meal plan.
  • — How little exercise can upgrade your life.
  • — How to improve your sleep and have more energy than ever.
  • — How to always understand the opposite side
  • — General Life Advice if someone feels stuck

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