I work as a Product Manager for OAK'S LAB, a DIGITAL product company that specializes in building startups, digital products and, ultimately businesses. We have helped over 30 startups during my 5 years at the company and some of our biggest clients are now at Series B investment rounds with teams of over 100. It is amazing to see how these startups grow and fulfil their potential. Outside work, I am a big football fan and will always join for a cup of English tea!

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  • Career as a Product Manager
  • How to Start in Product
  • Job Interview Assistance

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Escaping the Build Trap - How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value
Melissa Perri

Before diving into a comprehensive analysis of "Escaping the Build Trap," let's first outline some of the most important key facts or insights that the book offers: The significance of understanding the difference between building products and creating value. How to identify and escape the 'build trap' - a cycle of endless product development without strategic value. The role of effective product management in creating real value. The importance of aligning product strategy with business strategy. The necessity of building cross-functional teams for successful product management. The need for an outcome-oriented approach as opposed to an output-oriented approach. The critical role of feedback loops and learning in product management. The importance of product discovery in mitigating risks and maximising value. The concept of 'Product Kata' as a framework for continuous learning and improvement. The need for a cultural shift in organizations for successful product management. The role of leadership in fostering an environment for effective product management. An In-Depth Analysis and Summary "Escaping the Build Trap" by Melissa Perri is a seminal book that delves into the intricacies of product management while underscoring the importance of creating real value. In the realm of product development, organizations often fall into the 'build trap,' where they become incessantly obsessed with building features without understanding if they bring any strategic value to the business. This is the first lesson that Perri expounds on, highlighting the significance of understanding the difference between building products and creating value. The book then moves on to educate readers on how to identify if they are in the 'build trap' and offers a roadmap on how to escape it. This is a critical insight as it helps organizations identify a pervasive issue that can significantly hamper their growth and success. By aligning product strategy with business strategy, organizations can ensure that every product development effort contributes to overarching business goals. Another crucial facet that Perri discusses is the role of effective product management in creating real value. She emphasizes the need for product managers to transition from being 'feature brokers' to 'value creators.' This transition can be facilitated by building cross-functional teams that work collaboratively towards common objectives. Perri also highlights the need for an outcome-oriented approach as opposed to an output-oriented approach. While the latter focuses on the quantity of products or features developed, the former emphasizes the impact or value these products create for the customers and the business. This shift in perspective is essential for organizations to escape the 'build trap.' The book also underscores the critical role of feedback loops and learning in product management. By integrating feedback loops into the product development process, organizations can continuously learn and adapt based on user feedback and market trends. This is closely linked to the concept of 'Product Kata,' which Perri introduces as a framework for continuous learning and improvement. Furthermore, Perri emphasizes the importance of product discovery in mitigating risks and maximizing value. This involves validating ideas and assumptions before investing heavily in product development, thereby reducing the chances of failure. Finally, the book asserts that escaping the 'build trap' requires a cultural shift in organizations. This involves fostering a culture of learning, experimentation, and customer-centricity. The role of leadership is crucial in this regard as they need to create an environment that encourages these values. In conclusion, "Escaping the Build Trap" provides a comprehensive guide for organizations to break free from the cycle of endless product development and shift towards creating real value. By intertwining practical insights with theoretical concepts, Melissa Perri provides a valuable resource for anyone involved in product management.

The Lean Startup - How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses
Eric Ries

Key Facts and Insights Emphasis on Experimentation over Elaborate Planning: The Lean Startup methodology promotes experimentation over detailed planning, which allows businesses to adapt and innovate continuously. Customer Feedback over Intuition: Ries emphasizes the importance of customer feedback in shaping products and services rather than relying solely on intuition. Iterative Design: The methodology encourages iterative design, which involves making small changes in products based on customer feedback and observing the results. Minimum Viable Product (MVP): This concept is central to the Lean Startup approach, focusing on creating a basic version of a product to test market hypotheses. Validated Learning: Ries introduces the concept of validated learning, where startups learn from each iteration through rigorous testing and adjustment. Innovation Accounting: This is a method to measure progress, set up milestones, and prioritize work in a startup environment. Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Loop: This is the core component of the Lean Startup methodology, which emphasizes the iterative process of building, measuring, and learning. Pivot or Persevere: Ries introduces a decision-making process in which a startup decides whether to pivot (make a fundamental change to the product) or persevere (keep improving the current product). Continuous Deployment: The Lean Startup methodology encourages continuous deployment of updates to the product, based on the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. Lean Management: The Lean Startup approach also extends to management, with streamlined processes and decision-making strategies. In-depth Analysis of "The Lean Startup" "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries is a game-changing book that has reshaped the way businesses think about innovation and growth. Drawing upon his own experiences, Ries presents a new approach for startups to achieve their goals by focusing on continuous innovation and customer feedback. One of the key points in the book is the emphasis on experimentation over elaborate planning. Traditionally, businesses have relied on detailed and lengthy business plans. However, Ries argues that in the rapidly changing business landscape, these plans can quickly become obsolete. Instead, he advocates for a culture of experimentation, where ideas are tested, and changes are made based on the outcomes. This approach allows businesses to adapt to changes and seize new opportunities more effectively. A second key insight from the book is the importance of customer feedback. Ries suggests that businesses should not merely rely on intuition or assumptions about what customers want. Instead, they should engage with customers, seek their feedback, and use this information to shape their products and services. This is an integral part of the iterative design process advocated by Ries. The concept of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is central to the Lean Startup methodology. Rather than spending extensive resources developing a perfect product right from the start, Ries suggests starting with a basic version of the product, testing it in the market, learning from customer feedback, and making modifications accordingly. The MVP helps businesses to test their market hypotheses with minimal resources. Ries introduces the concept of validated learning, which is a process of learning from each iteration of the product. Through rigorous testing and adjustment based on customer feedback, startups can learn valuable insights about their product and the market. A significant concept in the book is innovation accounting, a method to measure progress, set up milestones, and prioritize work in a startup environment. This accounting system is designed to provide startups with a clear measure of their progress and inform decision-making processes. The Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop is another core concept in the Lean Startup methodology. Startups are encouraged to build a product, measure how it performs in the market, learn from the outcomes, and then build again. This iterative process fosters continuous improvement and innovation. Ries also introduces a decision-making process in which a startup decides whether to pivot or persevere. If a product is not meeting its objectives or gaining traction in the market, the startup may decide to pivot, i.e., make a fundamental change to the product. If the product is showing promise, the startup may decide to persevere and keep improving the product. Continuous deployment of updates to the product is another strategy advocated by Ries. Based on the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, updates are made to the product and deployed continuously. This approach ensures that the product is always improving and adapting to customer needs and market changes. Finally, the Lean Startup approach extends to lean management, with streamlined processes and decision-making strategies. The goal is to create an organization that is adaptable, efficient, and focused on continuous innovation. In conclusion, "The Lean Startup" presents a new approach to business, emphasizing agility, customer feedback, and continuous innovation. It provides a roadmap for startups looking to achieve success in a rapidly changing business landscape.

EMPOWERED - Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products
Marty Cagan

Key Insights from "EMPOWERED - Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products" by Marty Cagan Transformation from ordinary to extraordinary: The book emphasizes that ordinary people can produce extraordinary products when empowered with the right tools, knowledge, and environment. Product teams: Cagan emphasizes the importance of autonomous, cross-functional product teams for creating innovative products. Leadership role: The book highlights the role of leadership in empowering teams and fostering a conducive environment for innovation. Product vision: Cagan underscores the significance of a clear, compelling product vision as a guiding light for product teams. User-centric approach: The book promotes a deep understanding of users, their needs, and their problems as key to creating valuable products. Risks and failures: Cagan discusses the importance of embracing risks and learning from failures in the product development process. Continuous learning: The book advocates for continuous learning and improvement both at the individual and team level. Role of technology: Cagan emphasizes the crucial role of leveraging technology to create innovative solutions. Product discovery: The book details the process of product discovery as a means to validate ideas before development. Product delivery: Cagan outlines the importance of efficient product delivery mechanisms for successful product development. Detailed Analysis and Summary "EMPOWERED - Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products" by Marty Cagan is a compelling read that delves into the nuances of creating extraordinary products. The book's central theme is the idea that ordinary people can produce extraordinary products when provided with the right tools, knowledge, and environment. This concept resonates with my years of research and teaching in product development, where I've witnessed the transformative effect of empowerment on individuals and teams. One of the key concepts that Cagan discusses is the importance of autonomous, cross-functional product teams in the innovation process. In my experience, this approach fosters collaboration, allows for diverse perspectives, and accelerates the product development cycle. Cagan goes a step further to discuss the role of leadership in empowering these teams. The book argues that leaders should not merely manage but inspire, mentor, and create an environment conducive to innovation. This aligns with the transformational leadership theory, a concept I frequently reference in my lectures. Another critical insight from the book is the import of a clear, compelling product vision. According to Cagan, this vision serves as a guiding light for product teams, providing direction and fostering alignment. This concept is deeply rooted in goal-setting theory, which emphasizes the significance of clear, challenging goals in driving performance. At the heart of Cagan's approach to product development is a user-centric approach. The book promotes a deep understanding of users, their needs, and their problems as the key to creating valuable products. This aligns with the principles of user-centered design and human-computer interaction, topics I frequently delve into during my lectures. Cagan also discusses the importance of embracing risks and learning from failures in the product development process. This aspect resonates with the concept of a learning organization, where failure is seen not as a setback but as an opportunity for learning and improvement. On the topic of learning, the book advocates for continuous learning and improvement both at the individual and team level. This idea echoes the principles of continuous improvement and lifelong learning, which are foundational to personal and professional growth. Cagan also emphasizes the crucial role of leveraging technology to create innovative solutions. The book points out that technology isn't just a tool but a source of product innovation when used creatively and strategically. Lastly, the book details the processes of product discovery and product delivery. Product discovery involves validating ideas before development, while product delivery focuses on bringing these validated ideas to life. These concepts align with the lean startup methodology and agile development practices, which advocate for iterative development and continuous feedback. In conclusion, "EMPOWERED - Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products" by Marty Cagan offers invaluable insights into the process of product development. It presents a compelling case for empowering individuals and teams, fostering a user-centric approach, embracing risks and failures, and leveraging technology for innovation. In doing so, it provides a comprehensive guide for anyone involved in product development, from beginners to seasoned professionals.
