Hi, Working with people I find fascinating and inspiring. In every interaction. I'am consistently amazed by the potential of practical knowledge and direct experience that lies within individuals and is often overlooked. I am becoming increasingly skilled at uncovering this potential. My approach is to look at every situation with an open mind and a warm heart. I strongly believe that true growth and change often arise when we feel a little bit uncomfortable and step outside our comfort zone. My role is to guide you as you find the courage to dig deeper, within yourself and in your relationships with others. Together, we'll explore the power of genuine connection, focusing on empathy, listening, and sharing our authentic stories. I encourage you to be curious and to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. By working together, we can discover what the logical next step could be and how to genuinely connect. Let's embark on this journey together, with open hearts and a desire to learn and grow. I stand by your side as we explore the depths of connection and disarming.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Team Coaching
  • Craft of a Scrum Master
  • Unlocking your potential
  • Community of Practice

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