I am a senior executive with over 20 years of experience in Finance, Procurement, Supply Chain, and Global Business Services (GBS), having led large teams. I have also driven various global transformations, including cost optimization programs, digital transformation, and post-merger integrations (PMI). Leveraging strong change agility and stakeholder management, I identify business opportunities, including new operating models, expanded service scope, and digital transformation. As a result, I drive breakthrough value and foster a culture of high employee engagement.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Here’s a list of mentoring topics inspired by your suggestions, incorporating elements of Agile, Lean AI, and related fields:
  • - Agile & Lean Artificial Intelligence
  • - Career Development & Self-Mastery
  • - Change Management & Organizational Transformation
  • - Emotional Intelligence & Personal Growth
  • - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • - Financial Management, Accounting & Controlling
  • - Human Resources Strategy & Recruiting
  • - Leadership & Executive Management
  • - Project Management & Agile Methodologies
  • - Public Speaking & Effective Communication
  • - Strategic Planning & Business Development
  • - Time Management & Productivity Techniques
  • - Digital Transformation & Technological Innovation
  • This combines practical leadership skills with cutting-edge methodologies like AI, Agile, and digital transformation.
7.October 2024

Marc has been an incredible mentor. He took the time to go through my CV in detail, point by point, helping me understand how to better frame my experience and skills. His deep industry knowledge really came through in the way he guided me, offering practical advice that made a huge difference. I really appreciate his support and will definitely be booking more sessions with him

2.October 2024

I had a wonderful session with my mentor, Marc. He patiently cleared all my doubts and gave me a comprehensive plan for my preparation. His guidance was extremely helpful, and his humility made the experience even better. I'm truly grateful for all your support and guidance, Marc, and I’m excited for our next meeting!

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Omdenken: el arte de pensar al revés - Convierte los problemas en oportunidades
Berthold Gunster

El método que ya ha ayudado a 1 millón de lectores a cambiar su forma de pensar Imagínate que tienes una buena idea pero todo el mundo reacciona con frases que empiezan con «ya, pero». «Ya, pero eso lo han intentado otros y les salió mal». «Ya, pero no te precipites, deja reposar la idea». «Ya, pero ¿y si no sale bien?». Seguro que el párrafo anterior te resulta familiar. De hecho, probablemente hayas sido tú mismo quién ha contestado así... Publicado por primera vez en español, Berthold Gunster nos presenta en este libro el arte del omdenken («pensar al revés»), un método ideado para transformar la mentalidad pesimista en curiosa y posibilista. Una filosofía que te invita a cuestionar tu forma habitual de pensar y a sacarle provecho a situaciones aparentemente problemáticas. Las historias y estrategias aquí reunidas te servirán para localizar los pensamientos limitantes que nos invaden cada día y darles la vuelta con el objetivo de convertirlos en oportunidades. Ya sabes lo que ocurre cuando dices «ya, pero». Descubre las posibilidades del «sí, y».

The Bee Book
DK Australia

Buzzing with amazing facts, The Bee Book is a charming celebration of bees. The talented new author and illustrator, Charlotte Milner, takes you on an amazing journey through the world of bees and tells you everything you need to know about these fascinating creatures. Bees are incredibly industrious, brilliant at building, super social and more importantly responsible for a third of every mouthful we eat! Learn to appreciate our fuzzy friends, discovering why their survival matters so much.
