Hello! I have over 10 years of experience in the tech industry and am currently a Product Manager at Wayfair. Before this role, I gained valuable experience at XING and completed my MBA at HHL in Leipzig, Germany. I have a strong passion for learning, problem-solving, and product management. My experience as a Product Manager has allowed me to understand and address challenges innovatively. I take great pleasure in helping others overcome obstacles I have also faced. I am excited about the opportunity to connect and collaborate with you.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Getting into Product Management
  • Managing Data Products
  • Feedback Management
  • Lateral Leadership
8.July 2021

Yes great Session

12.September 2020

Approaching PM as a career option, Practicing advice & Interviewing advice.

26.July 2020

1. Talk to someone in the company prior to the interview where you are gonna have one. 2. it's okay to show what challenges you want to unfold in next job even though you don't have experience. 3. structurally connect the impact you made to the next job/company

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