Hello! I'm Giulia, a Talent Acquisition Partner with over 5 years of experience in recruiting and interviewing for various technical positions at renowned companies like SaaS startups, Amazon, Red Hat, and more. I have chosen to embark on the journey of mentoring because I have observed numerous talented engineers, developers, and designers struggling to effectively showcase their skills during interviews, despite their extensive experience and impressive educational backgrounds. My goal is to assist you - as a potential candidate for your dream company! - in your interview preparation, empowering you to recognize and effectively demonstrate your experience and potential throughout the hiring process.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Enhance your interview skills with Mock Interviews
  • How to master the art of self-promotion during interviews
  • How to understand the company culture & adjust your experience accordingly
  • How to maximize the value of your professional experiences through storytelling
  • Identify and leverage your core skills and competencies

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