I’m a recovering investment banking Chartered Accountant (CPA). I mostly do Monetization Design for Ai startups and corporates adding Ai products Why? Part 1: Market Insight Insight: AI is everywhere, but making money from it takes a lot of work. Old SaaS ways of pricing don't work. Part 2: What's Missing Gap: We need a price tag that matches how useful AI is, not just how often you use it. Part 3: The Problem Problem: Bad pricing means companies and AI creators lose money. No one wins. Part 4: A New Way - Humanware Solution: price AI based on how much work it does that a human would have done. If AI saves you $100,000 a year, you pay a fraction of that. To do this, I always start with the estimation of value creation

My Mentoring Topics

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Pricing
  • Monetization

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