The Inner Game of Tennis - The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance

W. Timothy Gallwey

Key Facts and Insights

  1. Focus on the process, not the outcome: The book encourages readers to concentrate on the process of performing an action rather than obsessing over the end result.
  2. Trust your unconscious self: Allow your subconscious mind to direct your actions instead of attempting to control every movement consciously.
  3. Non-judgmental observation: Learn to observe your actions without judgment to improve your performance.
  4. Let it happen: Instead of trying to make things happen, trust your instinct and let it guide you.
  5. Quieting Self 1: The book illustrates the concept of two selves - Self 1 (the teller) and...

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Rodolfo Parlati

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Professional Career Transition & Executive Coach | Leadership Trainer | Speaker
Giovanni Fioroni

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Senior Project Manager