Inside the Aquarium - The Making of a Top Soviet Spy

Viktor Suvorov

Key Insights from Inside the Aquarium - The Making of a Top Soviet Spy

  1. The book provides a first-person account of the Soviet Union's GRU, its military intelligence organization, which is less well-known than the KGB but equally, if not more, influential.
  2. Suvorov's journey from being a tank commander to a spy provides an intimate look at the recruitment and training process within the GRU.
  3. The book delves into the operational structure and methods of Soviet intelligence, including the use of 'illegals' and 'legal residencies'.
  4. Suvorov’s account reveals the intense psychological pressure and dehumanizing aspects of life within the...

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Dzianis Sokalau
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Dzianis Sokalau GB

Product Data Scientist, Meta