Captivate - The Science of Succeeding with People

Vanessa Van Edwards

Key Insights from "Captivate"

  1. Understanding the power of non-verbal communication
  2. The importance of first impressions and how to make them count
  3. Reading and interpreting microexpressions
  4. Recognizing and responding to different personality types
  5. Mastering the art of small talk and meaningful conversation
  6. Networking effectively by leveraging social dynamics
  7. The role of empathy in successful social interactions
  8. Utilizing the power of storytelling
  9. Cultivating charisma and leadership qualities
  10. Implementing "hacks" for better social interactions
  11. Applying the science of happiness to improve personal and professional relationships

An In-depth Look at "Captivate"

At its core, "Captivate" is a book about understanding the science...

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Bruno Morgante

Bruno Morgante DE

PMO Leader | Coach | Mentor | Speaker
Viktoria Schaffer

Viktoria Schaffer NL

Leadership Consultant, LeaderSync