Relentless - From Good to Great to Unstoppable

Tim S. Grover, Shari Wenk

Key Insights from "Relentless - From Good to Great to Unstoppable"

  1. Distinction between Coolers, Closers, and Cleaners: These three categories represent the types of achievers, with Cleaners being the highest level, characterized by relentless drive and unwavering focus on results.
  2. The Relentless 13: These are 13 traits or principles that define the mindset of a Cleaner, which include pushing beyond limits, demanding more from oneself, and embracing fear.
  3. The Zeroing In Concept: Cleaners have an uncanny ability to focus on the task at hand, ignoring all else, which enhances their productivity and effectiveness.
  4. Importance of Confidence: A Cleaner’s unwavering...

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Erich Schimmel

Erich Schimmel DE

Founder, The Evolving Zone
Bastian Buch
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Bastian Buch DE

CTO & Managing Director , GetAway Group