Design for Belonging - How to Build Inclusion and Collaboration in Your Communities

Susie Wise, Stanford

Key Facts and Insights from the Book

  1. The concept of 'belonging' is a crucial component of a successful community or organization.
  2. Design thinking can be applied to creating an environment of inclusion and collaboration.
  3. The importance of empathy and understanding in fostering a sense of belonging.
  4. The value of diversity and inclusion in enhancing creativity and innovation.
  5. The role of leadership in cultivating an inclusive and collaborative culture.
  6. The significance of creating safe spaces for dialogue and engagement.
  7. The impact of physical space design on promoting inclusivity and collaboration.
  8. Applying a human-centric approach in building communities.
  9. The importance of...

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Gilda Castro Rios

Gilda Castro Rios AE

Creative Director