Training From the Back of the Room! - 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn

Sharon L. Bowman

Key Facts from "Training From the Back of the Room! - 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn"

  1. The book provides 65 different, practical strategies for effective teaching and training.
  2. Traditional lecture-style teaching is often not the most effective way of facilitating learning.
  3. Sharon L. Bowman emphasizes the importance of active participation, engagement, and collaboration in the learning process.
  4. The book promotes a shift from teacher-focused to learner-focused education.
  5. Bowman introduces the 4Cs model: Connection, Concept, Concrete Practice, and Conclusion.
  6. The book is based on modern findings from brain science, offering a scientifically grounded approach to education.
  7. ...

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Birgit Pohl
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Leadership Coach & Business Consultant Agility