Eat, Sleep, Innovate - How to Make Creativity an Everyday Habit Inside Your Organization

Scott D. Anthony, Paul Cobban, Natalie Painchaud, Andy Parker

Key Facts and Insights from "Eat, Sleep, Innovate"

  1. Innovation is not an extraordinary event; it can be a daily habit. The book argues that innovation is a behavior that can be nurtured, developed, and embedded into daily routines and habits.
  2. The BEAN framework. The authors introduce the BEAN (Behavior Enablers, Artifacts, and Nudges) framework to help promote creativity and innovation within an organization.
  3. Emphasis on the importance of culture. The authors argue that a culture that encourages risk-taking, learning, and sharing ideas is essential to foster innovation.
  4. Every employee is an innovator. Innovation should not be confined to a...

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Christopher Sorg

Christopher Sorg DE

Finance Digitalisation Expert / ADHD Advocad
Daniela Zamarioli

Daniela Zamarioli BR

Senior Consultant