What Color Is Your Parachute? - Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success

Richard N. Bolles

Key Insights from "What Color Is Your Parachute?"

  1. The traditional job hunting strategies are no longer effective in today's ever-changing job market.
  2. Effective job hunting is now about knowing yourself, your unique skills, and how to market these to potential employers.
  3. The concept of "transferable skills" is instrumental in career changes and job applications.
  4. Networking is a critical aspect of job hunting and career advancement.
  5. The "Flower Exercise" is a useful tool for identifying your passions, skills, and ideal work environment.
  6. Interviews should be seen as a two-way street, where you’re also evaluating the potential employer.
  7. Creating a "bridge...

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Katerina Kalantzi

Katerina Kalantzi IT

Founder, Optimizze Consulting