Evolutionary Coaching - A Values-Based Approach to Unleashing Human Potential

Richard Barrett

Key Insights from the Book

  • Evolutionary Coaching emphasizes the importance of personal and organizational values in coaching and leadership.
  • Richard Barrett provides a new understanding of human development by introducing the seven levels of psychological development.
  • The book highlights the seven levels of consciousness model, which is a comprehensive framework for understanding human behavior.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of self-leadership and personal mastery in achieving success.
  • Barrett’s Values Centre Cultural Transformation Tools are introduced as a method to assess organizational and individual values.
  • The book provides a detailed guide on how to develop values-based organizations that promote employee...

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Lena Popretinskaya

Lena Popretinskaya DE

Senior Agile Coach. Career, Leadership, Mindset and Team Coach, Flix
Viktoria Tarko

Viktoria Tarko DE

Head of Global Training Solutions | ICF Certified Professional Coach | Entrepreneur