The Great Mental Models Volume 2: Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Rhiannon Beaubien, Shane Parrish

**Key Facts and Insights:** 1. The book explores fundamental mental models from physics, chemistry, and biology. 2. **Newton’s Laws of Motion** are crucial for understanding the physical world. 3. **Thermodynamics** principles explain energy transfer and transformation. 4. **Atomic Theory** provides insight into the composition and behavior of matter. 5. The concept of **Ecosystems** illustrates the interconnectedness of life forms. 6. **Evolutionary Biology** sheds light on the adaptation and survival mechanisms of species. 7. **Chemical Reactions** underscore the processes that drive biological and physical changes. 8. **Information Theory** and its applications to biological systems are discussed. 9. **The Conservation Laws** highlight...

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Ben Loschen

Ben Loschen US

Founder/Consultant, SmartLemon