The Elements of Computing Systems - Building a Modern Computer from First Principles

Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken

Key Facts and Insights

  1. Hardware-Software Interface: The book provides an insightful account of the fundamental aspects of the hardware-software interface.
  2. Building Blocks: It explores the building blocks of computer systems, including logic gates, Boolean algebra, and arithmetic logic units (ALUs).
  3. Computer Architecture: The authors delve into the design and implementation of modern computer architecture, including memory systems and CPU design.
  4. Machine Language: The book covers machine language programming in-depth, offering readers a solid understanding of low-level computational structures.
  5. High-Level Languages: An exploration of high-level languages, their development, and their translation into machine language.
  6. Operating Systems: The text offers a...

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Gustavo H. M. Silva

Gustavo H. M. Silva PT

Tech Lead & Senior Go Software Engineer, AUTODOC