Working Effectively with Legacy Code - WORK EFFECT LEG CODE _p1

Michael Feathers

Key Facts and Insights

  1. The definition and understanding of 'legacy code' is expanded beyond just "old code", it is any code without tests.
  2. The book provides a combination of nearly 25 dependency-breaking techniques that help in understanding and changing code.
  3. Feathers emphasises the importance of software testing, particularly unit testing, as a critical component in working with legacy code.
  4. Refactoring code is key to improving and maintaining the functionality of legacy code.
  5. The book presents strategies for identifying 'seams' in the code that allow for safe modifications without unintended consequences.
  6. It emphasises on the importance of understanding the impact...

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Tobias Mende

Tobias Mende DE

Founder & CTO, Engineering Leadership Consultant & Mentor, Engineering Effectiveness & OrgDev Advisor,