I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Maya Angelou

Key Facts and Insights from "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"

  1. Racial Discrimination: This autobiography provides a vivid depiction of the racial discrimination that existed in the 1930s and 1940s America. Angelou's experiences illustrate the deeply rooted racism in the society of that time.
  2. Female Empowerment: The book underscores the theme of female empowerment, and how Maya Angelou, against all odds, becomes a strong and independent woman.
  3. Victimhood and Survival: Angelou's life is marked by a series of traumatic experiences, but she always manages to survive and rise above them. This is a testament to her resilience and...

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Gustavo H. M. Silva

Gustavo H. M. Silva PT

Tech Lead & Senior Go Software Engineer, AUTODOC