What Got You Here Won't Get You There

Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter

Key Facts or Insights from the Book

  1. We often have habits or behaviours that impede our progress which we are not aware of.
  2. The higher you go in the corporate ladder, the more your problems are behavioural.
  3. Feedback is essential for improvement but often we resist it.
  4. Successful people are often in denial about their faults because they attribute their success to their behaviour.
  5. Most of us resist change, especially when it requires altering a habit that we view as successful.
  6. Goldsmith identifies 20 bad habits that hold back leaders.
  7. Changing our behaviour is tough but necessary for progress.
  8. ...

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Bruno Morgante

Bruno Morgante DE

PMO Leader | Coach | Mentor | Speaker
Viktoria Tarko

Viktoria Tarko DE

Head of Global Training Solutions | ICF Certified Professional Coach | Entrepreneur