Kein Bullshit - Was Manager heute wirklich können müssen

Markus Baumanns, Torsten Schumacher

Key Facts and Insights

  1. The book emphasizes the importance of a no-nonsense approach in management, cutting through the clutter and focusing on what matters.
  2. It highlights the necessity for managers to be adaptable, flexible and willing to learn in today's rapidly changing business environment.
  3. The book underscores the significance of emotional intelligence in leadership, as well as the ability to inspire and motivate teams.
  4. Baumanns and Schumacher argue that managers must have a deep and broad understanding of their business, including the market, customers, and competition.
  5. They suggest that managers need to foster a culture of transparency and accountability...

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Andreas Gräther

Andreas Gräther DE

Chief Marketing Officer / Co-Founder, add2 GmbH