Das Silicon Valley Mindset - Was wir vom Innovationsweltmeister lernen und mit unseren Stärken verbinden können

Mario Herger

Key Facts and Insights from the Book: 1. The importance of a growth mindset in driving innovation. 2. The role of failure and iteration in the innovation process. 3. Collaboration and networking as a foundation for success. 4. The significance of a diverse and inclusive culture. 5. Emphasis on rapid prototyping and agile methodologies. 6. The power of storytelling in promoting ideas and innovations. 7. Leveraging data and analytics for informed decision-making. 8. Creating an ecosystem that supports startups and entrepreneurship. 9. The impact of a customer-centric approach. 10. Empowering employees to take risks and think creatively. 11. Bridging the...

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Milian-Erik Retkowski

Milian-Erik Retkowski DE

Senior Sales & Bid Manager (Head of Sales), POLAVIS GmbH