The Confidence Game - The Psychology of the Con and Why We Fall for It Every Time

Maria Konnikova

Key Facts or Insights from "The Confidence Game"

  1. Humans are naturally predisposed to trust, which makes them vulnerable to manipulation and deceit.
  2. Con artists exploit this trust by presenting themselves as trustworthy individuals.
  3. The act of deceit involves both the manipulation of emotions and the manipulation of perceived reality.
  4. Con artists use various psychological techniques, including priming, anchoring, and framing to control their victims’ perceptions.
  5. Victims of cons often refuse to believe they have been deceived, even when presented with clear evidence.
  6. Understanding the psychology of the con can help individuals protect themselves against manipulation and deceit.
  7. Con games...

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Erich Schimmel

Erich Schimmel DE

Founder, The Evolving Zone