The Unicorn That Said No

Marc-Uwe Kling

Key Insights from The Unicorn That Said No

1. The book presents a unique perspective on finding and asserting one's sense of self. 2. It encourages the readers to question societal norms and conventions. 3. It explores the concept of individuality and its importance. 4. The book delves into the issues of conformity and the pressure to fit in. 5. It highlights the importance of saying 'no' when necessary, and the power it brings to self-expression. 6. The author uses whimsical storytelling as a tool to convey deep philosophical ideas. 7. The narrative encourages readers to embrace their differences and...

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Michael Heiß

Michael Heiß DE

Change Agent & IT-Architect focused on Digital Transformation journeys (People/Culture, Team Interaction Models, Architecture, Platforms, Cloud Tech).