Blockchain and Crypto Currency - Building a High Quality Marketplace for Crypto Data

Makoto Yano, Chris Dai, Kenichi Masuda, Yoshio Kishimoto

Key Insights from "Blockchain and Crypto Currency - Building a High Quality Marketplace for Crypto Data"

  1. Conceptual clarity of blockchain and cryptocurrencies: The book provides a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, explaining their fundamental principles, how they work, and their potential impact on various industries.
  2. Importance of data in the crypto market: The authors emphasize the critical role of data in the cryptocurrency marketplace, illustrating how quality data can influence decision-making and market dynamics.
  3. Building a high-quality crypto data marketplace: The book dives into the process and challenges of creating a marketplace for crypto data that ensures...

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Yin Fei

Yin Fei GB

Mentor Investor Entrepreneur, Magic Yin Mentoring