Architecting for Scale - How to Maintain High Availability and Manage Risk in the Cloud

Lee Atchison

Key Facts and Insights from the Book

  1. Understanding the Scale Cube: The book introduces the concept of a scale cube. It's a three-dimensional model that explains the different ways an application can be scaled: X, Y, and Z axis scaling.
  2. Importance of Microservices: The book emphasizes the importance of breaking down a monolithic application into microservices to ensure high availability and scalability.
  3. Dealing with Failure: The author stresses that failure is inevitable in any system, and the key is designing systems that can handle failure gracefully.
  4. Application Monitoring: Monitoring is critical for understanding the behaviour of an application and...

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Abhishek Jain

Abhishek Jain SE

Senior Software Engineer, Spotify
Umanda Jayobandara

Umanda Jayobandara LK

Visionary Tech Leader | 15+ Years of Expertise | Tech Lead | Solutions Architect | Led 10+ Global Projects | Full Stack Engineer | DevOps Specialist | Cyber Security & Cloud Computing Expert | Agile Methodologies, Ifonix