Don't make me think

Steve Krug

Key Facts and Insights

  1. Usability as a Necessity: In the digital age, a user-friendly interface is not a luxury, but a necessity.
  2. Don't Make Me Think Principle: A website should be self-explanatory and intuitive, reducing the cognitive load on the user.
  3. Importance of Testing: Regular user testing, even on a small scale, can greatly improve the usability of a website.
  4. Effective Web Navigation: Clear and concise navigation is crucial to user satisfaction and engagement.
  5. Home Page Importance: The home page is your website's first impression and should clearly communicate its purpose.
  6. Design for Scanning, Not Reading: Web users typically...

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Hazem Kamel H Madi

Hazem Kamel H Madi PS

Founder And CEO, Hi Design Academy