The Willpower Instinct - How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It

Kelly McGonigal

Key Insights from "The Willpower Instinct"

  1. Understanding the two selves: The book talks about the existence of two selves within us: the impulsive self that seeks immediate gratification and the self-control self, which aims for long-term goals.
  2. The willpower response: This is a reaction to an internal conflict and is not always about resisting temptation.
  3. Meditation and mindfulness: They can strengthen self-control and help to recognize and manage the inner conflicts.
  4. Role of stress: Stress reduces the ability to control urges, leading to a fall in willpower.
  5. Self-forgiveness: Instead of punishing oneself for mistakes, self-forgiveness leads to greater self-control.
  6. ...

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