Design For How People Learn

Julie Dirksen

Key Facts and Insights from "Design For How People Learn"

  1. Human brains are not designed for modern teaching methods: We're evolutionarily programmed to learn through experiential and social learning, not through abstract and decontextualized information.
  2. Attention is a crucial element in learning: Engaging the learner's interest is essential for effective learning.
  3. Knowledge is structured in the mind: Understanding the structure of knowledge can help in designing effective learning experiences.
  4. Learning is a process, not an event: It involves practice, feedback, and reflection.
  5. Emotions play a significant role in learning: Emotional reactions can either enhance or inhibit learning.
  6. Learning requires...

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Fathiyah Muen

Fathiyah Muen MY

Learning Facilitator & Transition Coach, Mindaku Ventures