Conversational Intelligence - How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results

Judith E. Glaser

Key Insights from "Conversational Intelligence"

  1. Conversations play a crucial role in establishing trust and mutual understanding in any relationship.
  2. There are three types of conversations: transactional, positional, and transformational.
  3. Trust is a key factor in effective communication and is built through transparency, relationship, understanding, shared success, and truth.
  4. Neuroscience plays a significant role in our conversational patterns and can be leveraged to enhance our communication skills.
  5. The book introduces the concept of "Conversational Intelligence" which is the ability to connect, navigate, and grow with others.
  6. Glaser proposes five steps to fostering a culture of conversational intelligence: Listening to Connect,...

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Chris Lyon

Chris Lyon GB

Coach , Mystai