Unsettled Disruption: Step-by-Step Guide for Harnessing the Evolving Path of Purpose-Driven Innovation

Juana-Catalina Rodriguez

Firstly, it's important to preface that the book "Unsettled Disruption: Step-by-Step Guide for Harnessing the Evolving Path of Purpose-Driven Innovation" by Juana-Catalina Rodriguez, is a seminal work in the field of innovation studies. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and harness the power of disruptive innovation for purpose-driven objectives. Here are some of the key insights from the book:

  • Disruption is no longer an exception but the norm: Rodriguez posits that we are living in an era where disruption is the norm rather than an exception due to the rapid pace of technological advancements.
  • The importance...

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Juana Catalina  Rodriguez

Juana Catalina Rodriguez

CEO & Founder, JnC Nova