Stolen Focus - Why You Can't Pay Attention

Johann Hari

Key Facts and Insights

  • Modern technologies are designed to capture and hold your attention.
  • Social media platforms use algorithms that exploit psychological vulnerabilities.
  • Attention spans have been steadily decreasing over the years.
  • Multitasking significantly reduces productivity and cognitive function.
  • Mind-wandering is detrimental to focus but essential for creativity.
  • Sleep deprivation severely impacts the ability to concentrate.
  • Nutritional choices can influence cognitive abilities and focus.
  • Natural environments can help to restore attention and reduce mental fatigue.
  • Mindfulness and meditation practices are effective in improving focus.
  • Educational systems need to adapt to better foster sustained attention in students.

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Reinier Kasper

Reinier Kasper DE

Head of Talent Acquisition, elopage