Creating Great Choices - A Leader's Guide to Integrative Thinking

Jennifer Riel, Roger L. Martin

  • Integrative Thinking as a Problem-Solving Framework
  • The Four-Step Process of Integrative Thinking
  • Opposable Mind Concept
  • Importance of Embracing Complexity
  • Building Prototypes for Solutions
  • Role of Empathy and Understanding Diverse Perspectives
  • Creating a Shared Vision
  • Overcoming Cognitive Biases
  • Application of Integrative Thinking in Leadership
  • Case Studies and Real-World Examples
**Integrative Thinking as a Problem-Solving Framework** Integrative Thinking is at the heart of the book, serving as a robust framework for tackling complex problems. It is a methodology that involves combining elements from seemingly opposing models or ideas to create new, innovative solutions. By not settling for conventional trade-offs, leaders...

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Stefan Brandt

Stefan Brandt ZA

Performance and Career Coaching