A Thousand Brains - A New Theory of Intelligence

Jeff Hawkins

Key Facts and Insights:

  1. Jeff Hawkins, a renowned neuroscientist and tech entrepreneur, presents a new model of how the brain works, which he calls "The Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence".
  2. The theory states that each part of the neocortex, the brain's outer layer, is capable of processing different types of information, creating thousands of independent, specialized "brains".
  3. These mini-brains operate in parallel and their outputs are integrated to form a cohesive understanding of the world and enable intelligent behavior.
  4. Our perception of the world is a construct of our brain, which generates predictive models to understand and interact with...

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Deepak Shrivastava

Deepak Shrivastava US

Senior Solution Architect
Ingo Eichhorst

Ingo Eichhorst DE

Solutions Architect at day/ CTO at night, better be great