Frames of Mind - The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Howard E Gardner

  • Introduction of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • Identification of seven distinct intelligences
  • Emphasis on individual strengths and diverse learning styles
  • Critique and expansion of traditional IQ testing
  • Application of multiple intelligences in education
  • Influence on curriculum design and teaching methods
  • Recognition of cultural and environmental factors in intelligence
  • Inclusion of personal and professional development
  • Potential for enhancing interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
  • Evidence-based research supporting the theory
  • Implications for future educational practices and policies

In the seminal work **"Frames of Mind"**, Howard Gardner introduces the groundbreaking **Theory of Multiple Intelligences**, which challenges the traditional notion of a single, monolithic...

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Radhika Savani

Radhika Savani IN

HR transformation Coach, Medhavee Coaching & Healing