HBR's 10 Must Reads on Design Thinking (with featured article "Design Thinking" By Tim Brown)

Harvard Business Review, Tim Brown, Clayton M. Christensen, Indra Nooyi, Vijay Govindarajan

Key Facts and Insights

  1. Design Thinking is a people-centered, problem-solving approach: The book emphasizes that design thinking is not just about creating aesthetically pleasing products and services. Instead, it is a holistic, human-centered approach to solving complex problems.
  2. Iterative process: Design thinking is an iterative process that involves empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing. These stages are flexible and can be repeated as needed.
  3. The role of empathy: One of the foundational principles of design thinking is empathy. Design thinkers need to understand the perspectives, emotions, and motivations of the people for whom they are designing solutions.
  4. Importance of...

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