Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? - Olympic-winning Strategies for Everyday Success - Second Edition

Harriet Beveridge, Ben Hunt-Davis

Key Insights from "Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? - Olympic-winning Strategies for Everyday Success - Second Edition"

  1. The Principle of Single-Minded Focus: The importance of having a singular, clearly defined goal.
  2. Visualizing Success: The power of mental images in achieving goals.
  3. Embracing Change: The necessity to adapt in the face of change.
  4. The Role of Teamwork: The crucial role of effective teamwork in achieving major goals.
  5. Discipline and Persistence: The significance of discipline, determination, and perseverance.
  6. Managing Stress: The importance of stress management for peak performance.
  7. Continuous Improvement: The concept of constant learning and self-improvement.
  8. Importance of...

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Dominic Forte

Dominic Forte GB

Client Director (Tech/Sales/Business)