Kopf schlägt Kapital - die ganz andere Art, ein Unternehmen zu gründen ; von der Lust, ein Entrepreneur zu sein

Günter Faltin

Key Facts and Insights from the Book

  1. Entrepreneurship is not just about capital; it is mainly about ideas.
  2. Establishing a successful business can be achieved by focusing on the power of ideas, rather than the size of the investment.
  3. The entrepreneurial concept should be simple, yet innovative and unique.
  4. Entrepreneurs should focus on creating value for customers rather than profit-making.
  5. It is crucial to have a deep understanding of the market and the customer's needs.
  6. Entrepreneurship should be driven by passion and the desire to make a difference.
  7. The entrepreneurial journey is more about learning, growth, and...

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Milian-Erik Retkowski

Milian-Erik Retkowski DE

Senior Sales & Bid Manager (Head of Sales), POLAVIS GmbH