
Malcom Gladwell

Key Takeaways from "Blink"

  1. Thin-slicing: It is the ability of our subconscious mind to find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices of experience.
  2. Power of Snap Judgments: Our first impressions or snap judgments can be as good or even better than carefully planned and considered decisions.
  3. Priming: Subtle triggers can influence our behavior without our awareness.
  4. Adaptive Unconscious: Our unconscious mind is capable of making quick and often accurate judgments.
  5. Locked Door: A lot of the information our unconscious uses to make snap judgments is inaccessible to our conscious mind.
  6. Unconscious Bias: Our snap judgments...

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Antoni Peychev

Antoni Peychev RO

Senior Product Manager, Netguru
Darren Cody
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Co-Founder, Marketplace Studio
Agus  Nugraha

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FMCG Marketing Director