The Psychology of Computer Programming

Gerald M. Weinberg

Key Facts or Insights from "The Psychology of Computer Programming"

  1. Egoless Programming: This interesting concept suggests that programmers should not attach their ego to their code, which can lead to more productive programming and better error detection.
  2. The Psychology of Programming Teams: Weinberg delves into the group dynamics of programming teams, emphasizing the importance of communication and cooperation.
  3. Programming Errors: Contrary to popular belief, programming errors or "bugs" are not random but are a product of the programmer's psychological state and knowledge at the time of coding.
  4. Programming as Human Activity: Weinberg argues that programming is more than just...

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Wolfgang Werner

Wolfgang Werner DE

Software Engineer / Developer Advocate / Engineering Manager, gridX
Murat Odabasi

Murat Odabasi TR

ex-Google Software Engineer, SRE