When the Body Says No - The Cost of Hidden Stress

Gabor Maté, MD

Key Insights from the Book

  1. Connection between chronic stress and disease: The book emphasizes the profound connection between our emotional and physical health, highlighting how chronic stress can lead to the development of serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders.
  2. Role of suppressed emotions: Dr. Maté argues that suppressed emotions, particularly anger, can have a significant impact on one’s health.
  3. Psychoneuroimmunology: The book delves into the field of psychoneuroimmunology, studying the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body.
  4. Impact of childhood trauma: It discusses the effects of adverse childhood experiences...

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Liliana Mihart

Liliana Mihart RO

Senior Leader/Leadership & Executive Coach/DEI Champion
Kamila Reichelt

Kamila Reichelt US

Life Coach / Anxiety & Stress / Self Confidence Mentor