The Smart Mission - NASA’s Lessons for Managing Knowledge, People, and Projects

Edward J. Hoffman, Matthew Kohut, Laurence Prusak

Key Insights from "The Smart Mission - NASA’s Lessons for Managing Knowledge, People, and Projects"

  1. Importance of Knowledge Management: The book emphasizes the critical role of knowledge management in project success. It highlights NASA's effective use of knowledge management to advance its missions.
  2. People Management: The authors underscore the significance of managing people effectively, focusing on leadership skills, team building, and motivation.
  3. Project Management: A core theme of the book is project management, discussing NASA's methodologies, tools, and strategies that have led to its remarkable achievements.
  4. Learning from Failures: Hoffman, Kohut, and Prusak stress the importance of learning from...

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Bastian Buch

Bastian Buch DE

CTO & Managing Director , GetAway Group