Becoming Supernatural - How Common People are Doing the Uncommon

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Key Insights from Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • The human body has the capacity to heal itself from illnesses through the power of the mind.
  • Our thoughts and emotions play a significant role in shaping our physical reality.
  • The concept of 'becoming supernatural' is about transcending our physical existence by harnessing the power of our mind.
  • One can achieve extraordinary feats through meditation and visualization techniques.
  • Quantum physics and neuroscience are the backbone of Dispenza's approach to understanding the mind-body connection.
  • Dispenza introduces the idea of 'coherence' where the mind and body work in harmony to produce desired...

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Yin Fei

Yin Fei GB

Mentor Investor Entrepreneur, Magic Yin Mentoring